

grunt-nyc-mocha uses the third-party tools nyc and mocha, to setup a combined run of tests and coverage analysis.
It will stop a build process on failed tests as well as on unreached coverage goals.

The below shows the result of a successful run.

Coverage results can additionally be reported in multiple formats. HTML for example.

grunt-nyc-mocha provides full sourcemap support.

grunt-nyc-mocha takes on the role of calling the packages nyc and mocha, passing configuration parameters from grunt to them.


is a task runner written in Javascript that can be used to build projects. For this purpose grunt integrates plugins that contribute to the build process with their different capabilities.

grunt-nyc-mocha is open source software (OSS) and distributed under the MIT License.

Third party tools:

nyc is open source software (OSS) and distributed under the ISC License.

mocha is open source software (OSS) and distributed under the MIT License.

Prerequisites for installing grunt-nyc-mocha are an existing npm that ships with nodejs and grunt.

npm install grunt-nyc-mocha --save-dev

Configuration of the plugin is usually done via an entry in the grunfile.js file. To be able to keep an overview of the configuration even when using many plugins, we use the package load-grunt-config. This way we can keep a separate configuration file for each plugin, as the following example shows.

// file nyc_mocha.js
module.exports = function ( grunt, options ) {
  return {
    test_and_coverage: {
      src: `${ options.TESTDIR }/**/*.spec.js`,       // test suite to run...
      options: {
        nyc: {
          coverage: {                                 // report nyc coverage results
            dir:          `${ options.COVERAGEDIR }`, // ... to folder
            reporter:     [ "lcov", "cobertura", "text-summary" ], // ... using reporters
            check:        true,
            perfile:      true,
            branches:     100,
            functions:    100,
            lines:        100,
            statements:   100
          excludes:       [ "gruntfile.js", ".conf/**/*.js", "src/test/**/*.js" ],
          requires:       [ "grunt-nyc-mocha/scripts/sourcemapsupport" ]
        mocha: {
          color:          true                        // force colored output


Which parameters can be passed from grunt-nyc-mocha to nyc and mocha?


The configuration section nyc contains a property opts, which can be passed an array of strings. All strings in the array will be passed to nyc if the task is called.

The configuration section mocha contains a property opts, which can be passed an array of strings. All strings in the array will be passed to mocha if the task is called.

If grunt-nyc-mocha itself might be outdated one day, any parameter can be passed to nyc and mocha. Even those not known to the outdated plugin.

Currently the following parameters of nyc are supported:


As well as the following parameters of mocha:


Property <targetname> {Object}

grunt-check-outdated is a multitask plugin, which means, there can be any number of targets to run.
Each target requires a number of properties.

// file nyc_mocha.js
module.exports = function ( grunt, options ) {
  return {
    test_and_coverage: {
      // ... further properties go here!


Tasks and Targets

Because grunt tasks need to be named, test_and_coverage is the name of the only task configured in this example. You could also use foo, bar or another string instead.

Property src {string}

The src property is of type string and holds a path or glob, which defines the tests to be run by grunt-nyc-mocha.

Infact mocha will be used to run and report the tests, while nyc will takeover the part of instrumenting the sourcefiles and report coverage.

// file nyc_mocha.js
module.exports = function ( grunt, options ) {
  return {
    test_and_coverage: {
      src: `${ options.TESTDIR }/**/*.spec.js`, // test suite to run...
      options: {
        <...>                                   // see property options for more


All coverage data is collected by running tests, during which library sources will be called.

This is, why targets must specify the tests to run.

Testfiles require sourcefiles, which then will be instrumented by nyc.

Code instrumentation enables nyc to build code metrics and coverage reports

Without the help of sourcemaps, failing tests will raise exceptions pointing to instrumented code, which differs from the original sourcefiles.
Resulting errormessages and stacktraces are hard to interpret, which is why you should use sourcemap support.
(See option nyc.requires for more)

Property options {Object}

This property can be configured for all tasks or per task.
The example sets options for the task test_and_coverage.

// file nyc_mocha.js
module.exports = function ( grunt, options ) {
  return {
    test_and_coverage: {
      options: {
        cwd:     {false|string}     // current working directory
        dryrun:  {Boolean:false}    // show what you would do, if you should
        node: { // see property node for more
          options: {Array<string>}, // array of commandline options for node
          exec:    {string}         // path to node.exe
        nyc: {
          <...> // see property nyc for more
        mocha: {
          <...> // see property mocha for more


Options for running grunt-nyc-mocha can have three sections.

Each section is for configuring the named third-party-tool.

Property cwd {path} (current working directory)

grunt-nyc-mocha needs to know the directory where the package.json file is located. If grunt is started in another directory, the cwd property must be set.

Usually the value can be evaluated and fits automatically, meaning it does not need to be set manually.

Property dryrun {Boolean}

If the value of the property is set to true, check-outdated is no longer called. Instead, the string that would have started the third-party tools will be written to the console.
The output should be directly callable from the project’s commandshell.

Property node {Object}

The third-party tools are called in a separate node process. If it is necessary to make changes to the type of call, this can be done via the properties of the node object.


These are the standard features offered by each of our plugins.

They are independent of the third-party tools, but refer to the way they will be called.

Property nyc {Object}

The nyc property is of type object and bundles all properties, which later will be passed on to the third-party-tool nyc.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  all:         <...>,    // whether or not to instrument all files
  clean:       <...>,    // clean .nyc_output folder before testing
  coverage: {            // coverage options
    <...>                // see property coverage for details
  excludes:    [ ... ],  // array of files and directories to exclude
  exec:        <...>,    // path to node_modules/.../nyc script
  extensions:  [ ... ],  // additional extensions that nyc should handle
  includes:    [ ... ],  // array of files and directories to include
  opts:        [ ... ],  // additional options not covered by this grunt plugin
  requires:    [ ... ],  // array of scripts to additionally require
  sourcemap: {           // sourcemap options
    <...>                // see property sourcemap for more
  temp:        <...>     // directory to output raw coverage information


Which parameters can be passed from grunt-nyc-mocha to nyc?


The configuration section nyc contains a property opts, which can be passed an array of strings. All strings in the array will be passed to nyc if the task is called.

Property all {Boolean:false}

Whether or not nyc should instrument all files (not just the ones touched by the test suite).

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  all:         <...>,    // whether or not to instrument all files

Property clean {Boolean:false}

nyc sets up a cache folder. If you did not use grunt-contrib-clean earlier, as part of a build process for removing cache folders, you can choose to delete the folder by setting the option to true.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  clean:       <...>,    // clean .nyc_output folder before testing

Property coverage {Object}

The coverage object bundles all properties which influence code coverage handling.

// nyc section
const coverage = {
    branches:   {Number:integer},   // % of branches expected to be covered?
    check:      {Boolean},          // check wether coverage is within thresholds
    dir:        {String:path},      // report nyc coverage results to folder
    functions:  {Number:integer},   // % of functions expected to be covered?
    lines:      {Number:integer},   // % of lines expected to be covered?
    perfile:    {Boolean},          // check thresholds per file
    reporter:   {Array<string>},    // report coverage using reporter 'text'|'html'
    statements: {Number:integer}    // % of statements expected to be covered?

Property check {Boolean:false}

Set this to true, if coverage testing should be done and fail, if limits that have been set are not reached.

Property dir {String:path}

Path to a directory, where coverage reports are written to. The directory is relative to the project directory (identified by package.json file).

Property perfile {Boolean:false}

Coverage thresholds must be reached by every instrumented source file.

Property reporter {Array<string>}

An array of strings, which lists all coverage reporters, that should be invoked. Check nyc and istanbul for coverage reporters.

Threshold properties:

  • branches
  • functions
  • lines
  • statements

For each of the above property, a percentage value [0 to 100] can be set, which is expected to be reached.

If testing uncovers a threshold breach, grunt-nyc-mocha will report the violation and stop the build process.


Property excludes {Array<string>}

An array of files and directories to exclude from instrumentation.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  excludes: [ "gruntfile.js", ".conf/**/*.js", "src/test/**/*.js" ]

The example to the left excludes configuration files and the tests, because you would not want to collect code coverage metrics from such files.

Property exec {String}

Path to the nyc executable (scriptfile).
This value usually is evaluated by grunt-nyc-mocha and needs not to be set by a programmer.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  exec:  <false|path>

Setting this property is required only for situations in which some other nyc executable should be used, than the one in the projects node_modules folder

Property extensions {Array<string>}

A list of additional extensions that nyc should handle (instrument).

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  extensions:  [ "xjs" ]

Instrument additional file types, like *.xjs in the example to the left.

Property includes {Array<string>}

An array of files and directories to include.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  includes:  [ "src/scripts/**/*.js" ]

Instrument files from additional directories, like some script directory in the example to the left.

Property requires {Array<string>}

An array of scripts to additionally require.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  requires:  [ "grunt-nyc-mocha/scripts/sourcemapsupport" ]

Note: More on sourcemap support!


Require additonal scripts, before running instrumentation.
The example to the left loads nyc sourcemapsupport, to enable stacktraces point to original sourcefiles rather than instrumented code.

Property sourcemap {Object}

The sourcemap object bundles all properties which influence sourcemap handling.

// nyc section
const sourcemap = {
    create:  {Boolean}, // should nyc produce sourcemaps?
    use:     {Boolean}  // should nyc detect and handle sourcemaps?

Property create {Boolean:false}

Set this to true, if nyc should create sourcemaps.

Property use {Boolean:false}

Set this to true, if nyc should detect and handle sourcemaps.


Usually the options to the left are not required for enabling sourcemap support with nyc.

Read more on sourcemap support!

Property temp {string}

Enables setting a directory where raw coverage data is written to.

// nyc section
const nyc = {
  temp:  ".raw_nyc"

Write raw coverage data to directory “.raw_nyc”.

Property mocha {Object}

The mocha property is of type object and bundles all properties, which later will be passed on to the third-party-tool mocha.

// nyc section
const mocha = {
  bail:      {Boolean},        // abort ("bail") after first test failure
  color:     {Boolean},        // force colored output
  exec:      {String},         // path to node_modules/.../mocha script
  exit:      {Boolean},        // force Mocha to quit after tests complete
  opts:      {Array<string>},  // additional mocha options not coveredby plugin
  recursive: {Boolean},        // look for tests in subdirectories
  timeout:   {Number:integer}  // test timeout threshold (millis)


Which parameters can be passed from grunt-nyc-mocha to mocha?


The configuration section mocha contains a property opts, which can be passed an array of strings. All strings in the array will be passed to mocha if the task is called.

Property bail {Boolean:false}

Abort with failure on first test failure.

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  bail: false;

Property color {Boolean:false}

Force colorized console output.

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  color: true;

Property exec {String}

Path to “node_modules/…/mocha”, in case some other installation should be used.

This property should remain untouched. Usually mocha can be located automatically.

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  exec: "use/other/node_modules/bin/mocha";

Property exit {Boolean:false}

Force mocha to quit after tests completed.

There may be circumstances which keep processes running, until after the test suite is done. In these rare cases exit can be set to true, to force the ending of all processes as soon as all tests are run.

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  exit: false;

Property recursive {Boolean:false}

Look for tests in subdirectories.

This is not useful for grunt calls, if the src property already uses a gob (directory structure with wildcards).

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  recursive: false;

Property timeout {Number:integer:2000}

Set the test timeout threshold to “n” millis.

// mocha section
const mocha = {
  timeout: 4000;